The Management of religious Diversity in West Africa: the excepcionalism of the Wolof and Yoruba in the post-independence period


  • Irene N. Oseneka University of Lagos


Palabras clave:

Religión, diversidad religiosa, el pluralismo religioso, wolof, Yoruba


La prevalencia del pluralismo religioso entre los yoruba y wolof ha atraído la atención de los estudiosos, con énfasis en el sostenimiento de la
convivencia pacífica en medio de la diversidad religiosa. En este trabajo se compara la gestión de la diversidad religiosa entre los wolof y Yoruba
destacando los diferentes contextos sociales en que se gestiona. El wolof y Yoruba adoptó un enfoque sincretista de la religión de la época pre-colonial
y la norma persiste a pesar de la introducción y la difusión del Islam y el cristianismo. Sin embargo, hay una necesidad de mantener la tendencia en el
oeste de África, en vista de la creciente incidencia de conflictos violentos con connotaciones religiosas de la región.

Palabras clave: Religión, diversidad religiosa, el pluralismo religioso, wolof, Yoruba


Abstract:The prevalence of religious pluralism among the Yoruba and Wolof has long attracted the attention of scholars with an emphasis on the sustenance of
peaceful coexistence in the midst of religious diversity. This paper compares the management of religious diversity between the Wolof and Yoruba
highlighting the different social contexts under which it is managed. The Wolof and Yoruba adopted a syncretistic approach to religion from pre-colonial
times and the norm persisted in spite of the introduction and spread of Islam and Christianity. However, there is a need to sustain the trend in West
Africa, in view of the rising incidence of violent conflicts with religious connotations in the region.

Keywords: Religion, Religious Diversity, Religious Pluralism, Wolof, Yoruba

Biografía del autor/a

  • Irene N. Oseneka, University of Lagos
    Lecturer at the Department of History and Strategic Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Lagos, Nigeria. She specializes in Conflict, Conflict
    Management and Conflict Resolution, with particular emphasis on Africa, West African History, Nigerian History, and Social History, where she has been
    exceptional. She has published chapters and articles in books and learned journals both locally and abroad.







Cómo citar

Oseneka, Irene N. 2022. “The Management of Religious Diversity in West Africa: The Excepcionalism of the Wolof and Yoruba in the Post-Independence Period”. Historia Actual Online, no. 33 (June): 61-75.